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  • Writer's pictureDr. Kathleen Jones

Your Questions About Vitamin Storage, Answered

You probably give a good deal of thought to which vitamins to take, but have you ever wondered if you were storing them in the best place? Being mindful of each vitamin's storage preferences is essential to preserving their quality and keeping you as healthy as possible.

What is the shelf life of most vitamins?

The capsule coating on many vitamins keeps nutrients in and moisture out, giving them a shelf life of around two years. Chewable and “gummy” vitamins lose their potency faster. Certain vitamins, like vitamin A and vitamin D, are especially susceptible to light, so bear that in mind. Taking expired vitamins shouldn’t cause any side effects, but the decreased quality won’t provide you with the health benefits you’re looking for, so it’s important to make good storage decisions. If you notice the vitamin has changed color or smells bad, toss it.

What is the best place to store vitamins?

Vitamins should be stored in a location that is cool, dark, and dry. Oddly enough, the bathroom medicine cabinet is one of the worst places you can store your vitamins thanks to the heat, high humidity, and extra germs/bacteria - and the kitchen isn’t much better! Your vitamins will thank you if you keep them in a location like a linen cupboard or your nightstand drawer. Keeping vitamins in their original containers will also help them maintain their freshness longer.

What about storing vitamins in the fridge?

Depending on the type of vitamin, the fridge can either be the best place or the worst place to store them. For example, fish oil tends to spoil easily, so if you want to preserve it longer (and mask the fishy taste) you can store it in the freezer. Liquid vitamins, flaxseed oil, probiotics, and vitamin E should always be kept in the refrigerator. The moisture in the refrigerator will have a negative effect on other vitamins, so it’s best to steer clear of it. Always check the label on your vitamins for expiration dates and storage instructions, and if you have any questions, just give us a call!



Gallagher, Paul. 2022. Vitamins and supplements can be ‘worthless’ if not stored correctly – so where should they be kept?



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